Friday, March 4, 2011:
Shopping at the mall with Jenny, and I'm telling her about how I'm late but that I'm too afraid to take a pregnancy test. I don't want it to be negative and me just end up having a dumb lazy period that's late. And she's telling me how its better to know then to have to wait to know regardless of the outcome.
Long hours of shopping later, she drops me off and as I'm just about to pay my visit to the golden throne, I figure - why not?! So I grabbed a stick, did my deed and left the bathroom afraid to watch it start deciding whether or not I was pregnant.
A few minutes later I hold my breath and walk back in to the bathroom, finding those two hallowed lines on my pregnancy test! PREGNANT! YES!!!
Then it all became very real, having those two lines show up felt so much different then all the planning and talking about it, and imagining that I had ever done before.
So what does a surprised, excited, anxious, scared hormonally emotional pregnant woman do?
Start crying, obviously. So after 10 minutes of crying and pacing my apartment back and forth, my phone rings and it's my mother! And after a few attempts at choking out what was going on I finally get out "THERE'S TWO LINES!". Explaining that no, it wasn't that my kitten had scratched me yet again and left two lines, it was the pregnancy test that did... she made me swear I wasn't kidding before I made her freak out too. hahaha
Thank goodness she kept calm while on the phone with me because I'm sure I would have stopped flirting with the line of hyperventilating and just jumped right over into the ring.
So now I'm waiting for Chris to get home, all the while trying to concoct an awesome way to tell him, while composing myself so he doesn't know something is up right off the bat.
So I made him what you see here, a little card with a poppyseed taped to it. When he came home I gave it to him, telling him that was the approximate size of his future baby.
SO cute, I know.
Now, everyone has been told, tears shed, a bajillion "Congratulations!" given - and lots of "Thanks, we're so excited" told in return.
Due date: November 7, 2011.
Check it.
Congratulations you two that is so exciting. When are you due?
Awwwww...that is SO adorable!!!