Trust me, it's not until you are obstaining from spending the cash that every single store I pass on the way to and from work seems to look 100x more enticing and full of amazing deals that just can't be passed up.
Anyways... the one good thing about it was the grocery shopping! Normally we never buy too many groceries at once, so most nights when making dinner I'm left trying to concoct something from whatever is left in our cupboard at the time; but THIS week - oh boy was I ever so excited every night because there was so many OPTIONS for dinner!!!
Spagetti? Chicken and asparagus? Meatballs? Chicken nuggets with rice (my fav) WHATEVER YOU WANT!!! And dessert? Of course! Rice krispie squares? peanut butter cookies?
And last night's dessert - which I figured was new-post worthy was....
ok so I don't really know what it's called. So I'm going to call it, ummm, Pudding Delight!
Chocolate Pudding
Whipped topping (ie. Cool Whip, or if you are dirt cheap like myself, any no name brand tastes just as good!)

Just alternate layers in a glass, grab a spoon and dig in!
Usually I just use some regular glasses, but my mom had gotten these cute glasses with handles for Chris and I when we moved into our new apartment - this dessert was the perfect way to use them for the first time!
mmmm mmmm good.

p.s. just if you are wondering reader, yes - it is just Chris and me at home, and yes - I did make four of them; but I only had one, Chris ate the other three.... i swear!
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