Monday, March 28, 2011

whats new and exciting?

No picture today - I haven't taken anything of consequence lately, but I thought that's no reason to not make a post!

So some pregnancy symptoms have finally set in. I don't like to complain to people too much about it, because really- compared to the awfulness I know lots of other women have been through, a slight nausea throughout the day and one throw-up really isn't too bad. But this is my blog, and I wanted to vent just a little, without making people sick of hearing me complain!

I'm listening to the radio right now, and "Your Body is a Wonderland" just came on. I laughed a little, as I subdued yet again my constant need to throw up all the time. A Wonderland? ... pssht.
Yesterday I was at home and I gave my baby it's first little scolding... "STOP IT! STOP MAKING MOMMY SICK!"

Apparently it's not a good listener... yet.
You wait.

Hmmmm, what else is new and exciting? People ask me that and I usually have nothing to report, until now... now, it's BABY. That's new and exciting! It's growing millimetres every day (or so I read) so every day, a portion of that half-inch child is brand new, and VERY exciting!
But I want to have other things to talk about too!

Wedding season is fast approaching! My first one of this year is coming up in April - Chris' best friend, Mark and his fiancee Megan in Calgary. I'm browsing the internet, wedding photo blogs, etc for inspiration and ideas on new techniques - getting lost in the warm sunny outside weddings, lush with green and flowers... when I see some photos on my MIL's facebook recently posted of some shots around where she lives, and there's a grey sky, and the ground IS COVERED IN SNOW. I got the cold shiver down my spine just thinking about it! Calgary! Come on! Get nice already! Plus, I don't want to have to bundle up with jackets and mittens to shoot this wedding, or to just jet off to Calgary on a mini-holiday to colder weather then what I have here! Bah!

Things Sara needs to do:

- Paint my toenails. Elise, you can vouch for this - I was painting them with a bunch of girls and got lazy when it came to my own toes. So I crapped out and painted a plain barbie pink on them, which probably would have been fine. But I added a Magenta diagonal stripe, and then a purple diagonal stripe right across each toe. Now this description probably doesn't do these toes their tacky awful justice - - - but every time I look at my feet, I think it might be what's triggering my morning sickness each day. Maybe....

- Eat something healthy for dinner today. My cravings so far have been pretty good. Not good, as in I don't have them (which I do) and not good as in they are all the same (which they aren't, that would be so much easier - to just always know the one thing that will satisfy you)... but they are good because I crave healthy things. Which now that I think about it, it's probably because I eat unhealthy things, so the baby is asking for any kind of nutrients besides the prenatal vitamins I take. Anyways... I'm thinking panini's tonight? Chicken, with pesto and maybe some havarti cheese? yummmm. Yep, thats the craving for tonight.

- thats it. Today chris was off work, and I decided when I was making my lunch that I would leave a small to-do list (what a wife I am... lol) for him. But where will he find it? As a computer desktop background. That way, I can catch him before he ends up spending the day browsing wikipedia articles on stuff like Governments in Indonesia and how to learn Finnish.(Yeah, that's what he does)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

driving with the windows down

This is amazing.

I can't remember where I found it on the internet though, I do a lot of browsing on web... and apparently my e-bread crumb trail just isn't sufficient enough to remember where I find amazing stuff like this (so I can come back looking for more).

But thats why I have a blog now, so I can post all the great stuff I find and then always have a specific place to find it all.

So, yesterday, I got in my car after work and turned on the radio and the radio announcer told me to drive with my windows down. Well, ok not ME specifically, he wasn't like "Sara Bell, you drive with your windows ALL the way down missy" but he did tell the general population that was listening to his Drive Home at 5 Show, which in that circumstance included me. So I did.
And it was aaawwweeessooommmeeee. The sun was beating down on my legs and they were getting HOT! Yep, it was the best. And today it's supposed to be 13 degrees. Ohh yeah. No jacket weather! My favourite kind!

Today I'm going out with Stephanie Teffer to find ingredients for the perfect head piece, and then we are going to create a few. When we were dress shopping and looking at a few I was like "Oh, we can make this for SO much cheaper - it'd be so easy!" and in my head that was the case.
Usually though, in my head, crafts always seem super easy... until I get stuck ripping seams and starting over again, or loosing my spot knitting, or finding out my project has a lot more steps than intended. I really hope my predictions for this project end up being correct. I'll have to post some pictures when we're finished....

And as for the baby update.... the BUPDATE - hehe...
I'm still feeling really great! I'm not sick, no headaches, no heartburn. I'm a little tired, but not too much. I can't really complain about that because I have been reading about how some women are insanely tired! Like, so tired its all they can do to stop from falling asleep at work, or at the wheel. Wow, I can't imagine that.... I mean, I'm hoping that later I wont be eating my words here because it's still pretty early in the pregnancy, but right now I'm half-way through the first trimester, and isn't morning sickness usually only the first three months?

Meh, what do I know. I'm like the least educated pregnant woman on the planet. The only reading up I've done is how big my baby is each week and what it's up to. Thats it. Maybe I should get a book or something, like that "What to Expect When You're Expecting".....


Sunday, March 13, 2011

money fast

This week Chris and I went on a "money fast" to try to kick the habit... So at the beginning of the week we went out and bought groceries and gas, and then for the next whole week we didn't spend any money.

Trust me, it's not until you are obstaining from spending the cash that every single store I pass on the way to and from work seems to look 100x more enticing and full of amazing deals that just can't be passed up.

Anyways... the one good thing about it was the grocery shopping! Normally we never buy too many groceries at once, so most nights when making dinner I'm left trying to concoct something from whatever is left in our cupboard at the time; but THIS week - oh boy was I ever so excited every night because there was so many OPTIONS for dinner!!!

Spagetti? Chicken and asparagus? Meatballs? Chicken nuggets with rice (my fav) WHATEVER YOU WANT!!! And dessert? Of course! Rice krispie squares? peanut butter cookies?
And last night's dessert - which I figured was new-post worthy was....
ok so I don't really know what it's called. So I'm going to call it, ummm, Pudding Delight!


Chocolate Pudding
Whipped topping (ie. Cool Whip, or if you are dirt cheap like myself, any no name brand tastes just as good!)

Just alternate layers in a glass, grab a spoon and dig in!

Usually I just use some regular glasses, but my mom had gotten these cute glasses with handles for Chris and I when we moved into our new apartment - this dessert was the perfect way to use them for the first time!

mmmm mmmm good.

p.s. just if you are wondering reader, yes - it is just Chris and me at home, and yes - I did make four of them; but I only had one, Chris ate the other three.... i swear!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

a very particular poppyseed

One of the main reasons I decided to start up a blog is to document Chris and mines BABY EXTRAVAGANZA EXPERIENCE!

Friday, March 4, 2011:
Shopping at the mall with Jenny, and I'm telling her about how I'm late but that I'm too afraid to take a pregnancy test. I don't want it to be negative and me just end up having a dumb lazy period that's late. And she's telling me how its better to know then to have to wait to know regardless of the outcome.
Long hours of shopping later, she drops me off and as I'm just about to pay my visit to the golden throne, I figure - why not?! So I grabbed a stick, did my deed and left the bathroom afraid to watch it start deciding whether or not I was pregnant.
A few minutes later I hold my breath and walk back in to the bathroom, finding those two hallowed lines on my pregnancy test! PREGNANT! YES!!!
Then it all became very real, having those two lines show up felt so much different then all the planning and talking about it, and imagining that I had ever done before.
So what does a surprised, excited, anxious, scared hormonally emotional pregnant woman do?

Start crying, obviously. So after 10 minutes of crying and pacing my apartment back and forth, my phone rings and it's my mother! And after a few attempts at choking out what was going on I finally get out "THERE'S TWO LINES!". Explaining that no, it wasn't that my kitten had scratched me yet again and left two lines, it was the pregnancy test that did... she made me swear I wasn't kidding before I made her freak out too. hahaha
Thank goodness she kept calm while on the phone with me because I'm sure I would have stopped flirting with the line of hyperventilating and just jumped right over into the ring.

So now I'm waiting for Chris to get home, all the while trying to concoct an awesome way to tell him, while composing myself so he doesn't know something is up right off the bat.
So I made him what you see here, a little card with a poppyseed taped to it. When he came home I gave it to him, telling him that was the approximate size of his future baby.

SO cute, I know.

Now, everyone has been told, tears shed, a bajillion "Congratulations!" given - and lots of "Thanks, we're so excited" told in return.

Due date: November 7, 2011.
Check it.

Jurassic Park

Alright, first post. So it's gotta be good. So good that I need to use the word "gotta" instead of "got to".

So for your viewing pleasure, the Jurassic Park Jeep, for realz.
(there I go again with the colloquial slang....)

You know, when I see Jeeps they often remind me of Jurassic Park, so it was awesome to find this sucker sitting in the Walmart parking lot.

I wonder what the person is like who drives this vehicle? Are they getting some kind of endorsement to drive around with the Jurrasic Park logo on the sides of their car, much like the guy who drives the Red Bull car around?
Or is he or she just a Jurassic Park movie enthusiast? Is their house decked out in miniature dinosaurs and a bevy of Jurassic Park movie paraphernalia?

So many questions, but no answers. Maybe Elise and I should have waited around for the person to come out of Walmart and get in their car, so we could check out what they looked like, and perhaps bombard them questions about it.

Anyways, I think this is good for post #1. Now reader, you are (I hope) lightly entertained and amused, yet not overburdened with words to read - prompting you to come back here and read more another time.

See you soon!