So some pregnancy symptoms have finally set in. I don't like to complain to people too much about it, because really- compared to the awfulness I know lots of other women have been through, a slight nausea throughout the day and one throw-up really isn't too bad. But this is my blog, and I wanted to vent just a little, without making people sick of hearing me complain!
I'm listening to the radio right now, and "Your Body is a Wonderland" just came on. I laughed a little, as I subdued yet again my constant need to throw up all the time. A Wonderland? ... pssht.
Yesterday I was at home and I gave my baby it's first little scolding... "STOP IT! STOP MAKING MOMMY SICK!"
Apparently it's not a good listener... yet.
You wait.
Hmmmm, what else is new and exciting? People ask me that and I usually have nothing to report, until now... now, it's BABY. That's new and exciting! It's growing millimetres every day (or so I read) so every day, a portion of that half-inch child is brand new, and VERY exciting!
But I want to have other things to talk about too!
Wedding season is fast approaching! My first one of this year is coming up in April - Chris' best friend, Mark and his fiancee Megan in Calgary. I'm browsing the internet, wedding photo blogs, etc for inspiration and ideas on new techniques - getting lost in the warm sunny outside weddings, lush with green and flowers... when I see some photos on my MIL's facebook recently posted of some shots around where she lives, and there's a grey sky, and the ground IS COVERED IN SNOW. I got the cold shiver down my spine just thinking about it! Calgary! Come on! Get nice already! Plus, I don't want to have to bundle up with jackets and mittens to shoot this wedding, or to just jet off to Calgary on a mini-holiday to colder weather then what I have here! Bah!
Things Sara needs to do:
- Paint my toenails. Elise, you can vouch for this - I was painting them with a bunch of girls and got lazy when it came to my own toes. So I crapped out and painted a plain barbie pink on them, which probably would have been fine. But I added a Magenta diagonal stripe, and then a purple diagonal stripe right across each toe. Now this description probably doesn't do these toes their tacky awful justice - - - but every time I look at my feet, I think it might be what's triggering my morning sickness each day. Maybe....
- Eat something healthy for dinner today. My cravings so far have been pretty good. Not good, as in I don't have them (which I do) and not good as in they are all the same (which they aren't, that would be so much easier - to just always know the one thing that will satisfy you)... but they are good because I crave healthy things. Which now that I think about it, it's probably because I eat unhealthy things, so the baby is asking for any kind of nutrients besides the prenatal vitamins I take. Anyways... I'm thinking panini's tonight? Chicken, with pesto and maybe some havarti cheese? yummmm. Yep, thats the craving for tonight.
- thats it. Today chris was off work, and I decided when I was making my lunch that I would leave a small to-do list (what a wife I am... lol) for him. But where will he find it? As a computer desktop background. That way, I can catch him before he ends up spending the day browsing wikipedia articles on stuff like Governments in Indonesia and how to learn Finnish.(Yeah, that's what he does)