But it my defence I'm pregnant, and was sick, WHILST editing wedding photos... It can get pretty busy - and I tire out so much quicker now, so my down-time apparently has shifted from writing out witty blog posts to going to bed at 7pm instead.
But I'm back! 20 weeks along and I'm feeling WAY WAY better. wow. so much better.
My light-hearted "oh I'm not that sick, I can't complain too much" post entries were deemed moot as I started to wake up every single morning feeling just terrible! Chris and I even had to start scheduling in throwing up time for me in our morning routine so he wouldn't be late for work...
Then, once the nausea started to ween off a little, I started to get headaches! Every day! I'd wake up in the morning with one, muscle through the day just to get home and lie on our couch with the lights off and windows blocked off by beach towels to block out any sunlight to find any kind of reprieve - of which did not come; as I would then go to bed with my skull pounding with it's own heart beat until I finally had the sweet release of sleep.
.... but as I mentioned before - 20 weeks along and I'm no longer nauseated or have frequent headaches. I'm feeling the heartburn a little, but I would take that over throwing up and a pounding head any day.
I am signed up on the cutest website ever... www.thebump.com that sends me weekly emails on how big baby is, what growing baby did that week, what I could expect as far as pregnancy symptoms etc. For a month now my emails have been saying "You probably are starting to feel WAY better now" or "the second trimester is when most women have the most energy and feel their best!" - so I've been waiting and waiting for all these wonderful promises to start coming true and they finally are. woop woop!
On another totally AWESOME note... Chris and I went to our second ultrasound last week and found out that I'm growing a sweet little baby GIRL in ma' belly! YES!
Of course, if it had been a boy I would have been very excited too, but I have to confess... the knowledge that I will get to dress her up in pretty dresses, cute little baby bikinis, paint her little toenails, do her hair up in bows, and play dolls with her is extremely thrilling!
I do have the snapshots of the ultrasound at home, but I'm not there right now so I can't put up any yet... But just close your eyes and imagine your regular baby ultrasound photos... got it? good.... now add in a bajillion times the amount of cuteness and thats basically what she looked like.
The cutest baby ultrasound in the entire universe. That's what the technician told me.
No lies.
When I called my mom to tell her, she was literally waiting at the mall, with a boy outfit and a girl outfit in hand - waiting to buy the celebratory first boy or girl oriented outfit! hehe - she's so awesome!
Well, I think thats a sufficient update. It's been a slice - and I hereby solemnly promise to post more often. :)
Oh good! I've been waiting and waiting for a new post. You better keep your promise Sara. :)